Our Vision:

Freedom Worship Center exists to lift up the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, to know Him and to make Him known both locally and globally.

disciples FWC will be committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who will then find their place of service in His body. These disciples will produce new disciples.

FWC will honor the Holy Spirit by allowing Him freedom to move in our services and in our corporate and individual lives.  holy spirit dove

FWC will honor our Heavenly Father by being a place where priority is given to prayer, passionate praise and worship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

FWC will be a place of healing for those who are broken in spirit or body according to the promises found in Isaiah 53:4-5 and also in Isaiah 61:1-3

heals broken hearts


FWC will be of uncompromising integrity, seeking to please the Lord in all endeavors and to bring praise and glory to His name in all that we do.

FWC will be known as a church demonstrating His love in relationship to each other and in relationship to the hurting and needy in our community and around the world.  FWC will send and support missionary endeavors in all corners of the world.  love one another


FWC will be a teaching and sending church, preparing disciples to serve Him in the house and throughout the world. FWC will plant churches locally and around the world.