We will be spending Holy Week, March 25th to 29th in a special time of prayer and fasting. We deny our flesh so that our spiritual ears will be more sensitive to Holy Spirit.

This week we reflect on the last earthly days of Jesus as He prepared for His crucifixion. He did it to pay the price for our sin. He is our unblemished Passover Lamb. Join us for prayer in the sanctuary:

Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, 6:30 p.m.

Friday, 6:30 p.m.

There are many ways to fast, please ask the Lord how He would want you to participate. One day, two, five, or one meal a day, or a special food. Total Fast which is only water, Daniel Fast which is vegetables, a partial fast, etc. Follow the link below for more information on fasting.
