Freedom Worship Center, formerly known as Rock Church, was officially planted on February 10, 1996, by Living Rock Church of Killingworth, Connecticut. The church was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on March 12, 1997. Freedom Worship Center is a Spirit-filled, non-denominational, full gospel church.
Freedom Worship Center is dedicated to healing hearts and restoring lives broken, bruised or ravaged by the effects of sin. Healing and restoration come through the power of the cross of Jesus Christ, through the blood He spilled for all of us and through the power of His resurrection. His word, the Holy Bible is our standard and source of instruction in living as a Christian. The power of the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer brings comfort and healing for every hurt and heartache.
As people personally experience the liberating power of the cross and are set free from bondages and bruises within, they begin to reach out sacrificially and selflessly in love to others and comfort people with the same comfort they have been comforted with. See 2 Corinthians 1:4.
Freedom Worship Center’s mission is “healing the broken-hearted.” This church is called to reach out in healing love and care through Holy Spirit to the broken, bruised and to all those held captive in their sins. Our congregation has been called as missionaries to the broken as was prophesied on August 14, 1999.
“You are missionaries. You are missionaries to the broken. I have called and ordained this church as missionaries to the broken. Look not on another man’s fields. But look on your own fields for they are white with harvest. For your fields are the broken, the broken-minds, the broken-hearts and the broken-lives. Your fields are ready for harvest. Your fields are the broken-marriages; your fields are those devastated by divorce, abandonment and abuse; your fields are the psychiatric wards; Your fields are the lonely in nursing homes; Your fields are the homosexuals, the rejected and the unwanted; Your fields are the fatherless children in foster-care – that they might know ‘I am a Father to the Fatherless’ even through this church. You are missionaries to the broken. Thus says the Lord.”