“Empowered for a New Season”



Rev. Andrew Abu-Ghazaleh, “Brother Andrew” of Nazareth, Israel will teach on Friday, April 14th at 7 pm. and Saturday, April 15th from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. on being empowered for the new season. His teaching is always very deep and impactful. There is no cost to attend, a love offering will be taken. Lunch will be provided on Saturday. All are welcome. He will also be preaching in our Sunday morning worship service.

Brother Andrew travels to many African and Asian countries teaching and equipping pastors and leaders.  His teaching is excellent and beneficial to all believers whether or not they serve in leadership positions.

Please RSVP for lunch only by emailing: by April 12th. so we can have plenty of food for all the attendees.